Thursday, 12 February 2009

a little rant about being a working mum

I am already feeling a little disatisfied by my new job. The problem is that I'm just not that into it. I had also expected the college to be a vibrant, exciting place to work but it's not. It is disorganised. The terms and conditions are not great and there is no career progression, pension, holiday pay, sick pay etc so there is a high turnover of staff. If you need resources you get them too late, if at all. It is all a bit haphazard and there is no-one who has been there long enough to know how everything works. My boss is always really busy and can't see anyone because she is doing something that involves acronyms no-one has heard of. 

The two days I work are long and the kids are tired and cranky at the end of them. They are woken early and taken to their Granny's where they are happy, loved and well-cared for. We don't get home until 6pm when I try to settle two grumpy tots in to the house after waking them from sleep in the car and make dinner. Husband usually arrives once dinner is made! We're finished dinner by 7pm and then it is time to get ready for bed to start again the next day. Two days a week like that is enough. So when I was asked to increase my days and take on the role of course leader (for no extra money but a little extra paid time for a lot of extra work and hassle) I thought about it. I started thinking about money and almost got sucked in to tying myself up with a job that would take over my time and take me away from my little ones and all for a career path I'm not sure I want. So, I said thanks but no thanks. Two days is enough for me right now. Phew! 

I am lucky at this time of recession to have this opportunity but I need to be available for my children while they are young. It is a decision I made before I had them. I have just had two lovely days at home with them doing housework, playing, dancing, going for walks in the snow and visiting friends which confirms for me it is the right decision. 

Then to top it off I have to study for my new job. I have to find time to fit in 120 hours of study between now and June. I can scarcely find one hour!


menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

You made the right decision for you and the bairns. Your job sounds like hell on earth and doesn't poop float? That boss of yours sounds totally incompetent at the least and bless her there she is floating away in management! Good luck with the studying and prepare to be knackered! As if you needed me to tell you that!

Working Mum said...

Thank you for popping in to mine and leaving a comment.

I think you are right to stick at 2 days if you can afford it. Any more and you might be trying out my 'working mum' strategies, or worse succumbing to 'Working Mum Syndrome'!

Will be back, WM x

auntiegwen said...

I so know how that feels. I have a part time contract for 12 hours but I spend at least 24 hours a week on it, on parents evenings I do a 12 hour day. I think you've made a very wise decision, very wise.

ps I have 3 part time jobs that add up to way more than full time, that's why I'm in the state I'm in, if I could afford to be part time, I so would be.

Henry the Leaphound said...

You did the right thing and you aren't alone, since my business took a big downward dive I took on a part time job locally which turned into 6 days a week for little more than minimum wage, a boss with the worst man management skills ever known, workplace politics where you cannot complain or trust anyone, and lots of opportunities to look completely incompetent in front of customers due to no training and being dropped in the deep end of a job that I know I'm socially and educationally over qualified for.

Oh happy days eh! As you say though, I am lucky to be employed in these times and the one thing that keeps me going is that I know I will be moving on to much better things so I'm not stuck there forever as I'm capable of so much more.

scaryazeri said...

two days is all I can manage in our college! any more and it would drive me mad. nice to get to know other mothers bloggers, so many here! wow.